What would the church's reaction be to this "scientific" finding?
Beforo completo acceptance of Dr. Ellis' position as statod in "Christ and the Homosexual", the clergy must realize that the question of "why the homosexual" is still unanswered, that authorities are still in disagreement, and that Kinsey in "Sexual Behavior in the Human Female" claims there is no valid scientific data to support Dr. Ellis' claim though thero is much support for Reverend Wood's position that homosexuality is a "natural" pho
The question of the homophile and the church should bo treated in the light of Jesus' teachings of lovo, forgivene 33 and tolerance. The latter is not always found in today's Christian Church, but this is no excuse for the homosexual. For him to reject God or to become prejudiced and intolerant because he is so treated by misguided followers of the Gospel is oqually "sinful".
"Christ and the Homosexual" is a definite step forward in America and it is hoped that more treatises on the subject will be forthcoming. Copies of the book may be purchased through DOB for $3.95 plus 20% for handling. (See page 9.)
Del Martin
For those who have been complaining about moony, Juvenilo poetry, this bit of sophistication from NIK
My Sympathy to Apathy
And for Sublimation, deep admirati on.
Love, of course, is more aesthetic;
But there's nothing like Sox for the energetic.
Or, if you wish
While abstinence makes the he art grow fonder, Overindulgence may cause it to wander.
So if you want love of extended duration, Remember: Not satiety, but just moderation.